Bright Leela Now and Always So
This radical self understanding (see link below) is the beginning of the True Heart Way. In all the years of my intimacy with Bright Adi...
Bright Leela Now and Always So
The Evolution Myth of Egoic Suffering and Conflict
Perpetual Listening
Unlocking Divine Grace
The Sacred Ordeal of Self-Sacrifice
My Means and Secrets
Fearful and Righteous Fundamentalism
Appreciation falls short
"The Art of Not Trying"
True Adidam IS
Bright All Inclusive School
Realization First Intuited At Heart Requires...
Consciousness Without Inwardness
Come To Know Me Better
Burden of Real and True Respect, No Myths
Erase Mockery
Entirely New
She Is Mind Leela
Ancient Teachings Of Bhakti Transformed Into Bright NEW Bhakti Yoga