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Incarnating What IS Implicitly

The Theatre of Consideration

Adi Da Love Ananda repeated these very same words below, almost verbatim, in the last year of his life.

He also indicated, to the day of his passing, that he was being required to address the individuals around him (as patterns) in the same way he describes below, that is he would criticise, reflect and speak instruction that was meant to be passed on. All of this because of the refusal of all "students, devotees and 'the world' " to radically understand and make right use of what he had already said and accomplished.


This refusal and egoic insistence for "theatre" continues to this day, calling itself "formal Adidam". Or as a wider 'interested' gathering  considering itself to be a "responsive collective". Both and all are falsehoods of ego active independence.

The evident signs Adi Da indicated as necessary in demonstration and results are not present yet.

No "other" measure is sufficient. The "implicit" Revealed in The Knee Of Listening is the key Truth of Reality Freedom,  fidelity as a True student or devotee or friend or advocate or patron. 

How effectively is the present Living  "complex culture having been given full resources" being effective for all beings? Not being cults of insiders or outsiders? Not-Two?

Adi Da: "You have a complex culture, a full resource. There are many subtleties and nuances to this communication, and every individual will find a different part of it consequential. It all has to be there because it has to serve everyone. Any one individual might not need every piece of the communication, but some portion will be particularly useful to him or her. Other parts will be a way of saying it that somehow brings it across better to somebody else."

October 27, 1981

Heart Master Da Love Ananda:

"You could say that The Knee of Listening is sufficient and that I didn’t have to say or write anything else again. But, how would you practice, how would you Realize the Truth I communicated in The Knee of Listening? The whole Teaching is a development on the foundation laid in that first book. The Teaching is a way of serving the possibility of the same Realization in other people. In some sense The Knee of Listening is sufficient by itself, as a description of the Way and its Realization. But it is perhaps not sufficient as a source from which people can generate practice and Realization. That required all the theatre of Teaching and all the elaborations.

You can’t just get the Truth in a couple of one-liners or a few paragraphs, or one book. You have to devote your life to it. You have to go through the process. The fact that there are a lot of books and talks is no impediment. Of course you couldn’t get them all down in a week or two, but you’re not supposed to. It’s good that there are a lot of sources, so you’re not just reading one little ten-page book for the next fifty years. You have a complex culture, a full resource. There are many subtleties and nuances to this communication, and every individual will find a different part of it consequential. It all has to be there because it has to serve everyone. Any one individual might not need every piece of the communication, but some portion will be particularly useful to him or her. Other parts will be a way of saying it that somehow brings it across better to somebody else.

I could just say, “What are you doing? What are you always doing? Understand this Narcissus, read The Knee of Listening,. Enquire, and that’s it, that’s sufficient. Nothing else needs to be added.” But, how many people would be able to do it if that were all that I taught? Very few people would. Maybe there would be a couple of people who would find something about it that was basically workable. But to take this Realization and make it into useable wisdom for other people, you have to get into the whole affair. There’s much more to be said about it then, much more instruction than is explicit in The Knee of Listening,, although as I’ve said, everything is implicit* in The Knee of Listening.

So in some sense all the Teaching is a commentary on The Knee of Listening. All the other books I have written are an elaboration on it. It all has to do with a living circumstance of dealing with other people. The other things were written and said because I was confronted by people whose desire or intention to Realize the Truth I took seriously. I have always taken people seriously and devoted myself completely to the service of their Enlightenment in person. And that is why my theatre of Teaching has been what it is. All of that theatre with people is a matter of taking them seriously, even though perhaps they were not really serious. But I took their characteristics, their orientation, their limitations into account very seriously, and worked to communicate the Teaching in a form that would serve somebody in that state. I would always point out to people that whether they were going to use what I was giving them or not was a question for them to answer. I used their qualities to communicate the Teaching in a certain way that would also be useful to other people."

*The Bright Revelation and Revealer Itself


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