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About: Text

I (Julie Anderson) am a longtime devotee of Adi Da Love-Ananda. In recent times I have been actively trying to have a conversation with many devotees of Adi Da Love-Ananda about the currently failing and false state of Adidam (the global gathering of responsive devotees of Adi Da).

I have always spoken the truth of Adi Da as He Revealed it to me, in personal and intimate ways, over many decades of my life. The failure of my attempt (along with many others) to approach, develop and sustain a real conversation (about the state of Adidam ) with formal and informal devotees has led me to a heartbreak.   


This site aims to expose this partial failure and hopefully spark an essential esoteric consideration which is being prevented by formal  authoritative suppression and an uninspected “herd mentality” of agreement to submit. This Reality Consideration will focus on communicating Adi Da's Radical Spoken and Demonstrated Confession, Revelation, Reflection and the revisions in relationship to the Truth of these profound Gifts. He IS and always already has been Merely and Priorly Present while coincidentally exposing the ego act that eclipses Reality Truth Itself. 

If there were a cultural context of integrity, demonstrating full and true understanding of Him and His Work, with a trusted process of authentication in relationship to all devotees of Adi Da, this site would not be necessary. He always called for this truly authenticated (by testing and proving) renunciate culture even up until the day of His Mahasamadhi as it did not fully exist. What currently is existing, as He Stated, is a mummery enactment of masked beings in the maze of mind presumably trapped and frozen in time and view of space repeating the same drama of errors He continually addressed and gave liberating instruction about throughout His lifetime. This Gift of Lessons has yet to be fully understood and is not allowed to be inspected in detail in the present authoritative pyramid structure established after His Mahasamdhi. His passionate, urgent Heart Shout has now been strategically and effectively silenced and is being buried in a mythologized religious program and business. What now exists as a “culture” is not the Reality Way of Who He IS.

By virtue of how Adi Da is moving me, I am offering this site as a way of championing His Argument about the ego-act in all its forms and how these errors and illusions have revised His Heart Way. I am choosing to do so by sitting in 'no camp’; beyond any 'inside/outside' dynamic.

I am not looking to be agreed with, nor am I looking for egoic attention or love. Nor am I interested in aggravated debate. I am in His Love Light Being and that is sufficient. I am not intending to speak about anything other than what He has Said and Revealed about HIS direct experience in Love relationship throughout His Lifetime. Adi Da, Adept of Conscious Light, plants and germinates revolutionary insight and growth with radiantly reverberating impact in all hearts yearning for Reality Truth.

This site is my heart-offering intended to evoke an open dialogue (that does not presently exist) amongst whoever chooses to do so. It is designed to Reveal Adi Da's uniquely clarifying voice and provide a record of events for devotees and "non-devotees" who, in turn, can share together their insights, experiences and awakened understanding that Reveal Who He Truly IS; not a misunderstood, scapegoated, or revised version. â€‹

To fully understand all the nuances of this issue will require research, study and conversing with trusted intimates, many different devotees of Adi Da and responsive respectful public. In doing so you will be choosing to enter into a space that is challenging and confronting, while necessary for growth. Please bear with me as you read, consider and share this radically insightful material. All of what is offered here is validated and clarified by Avatar Adi Da's intimate interactions, communications, demonstration and prophetic literary and visual art Works (see the links provided in the “Links” page on this site). Adi Da intentionally repeated Himself in so many ingeniously creative ways and at different times and to many different individuals in His address to personal and universal pre-patterned errors and illusions of egoity and uniquely to the root ego act itself.


Anything I offer here in serving to sensitize us all to His human life, I have personally observed, heard numerous times beginning in 1976 and incisively felt, taken handwritten notes as He spoke or technically recorded His speaking (as have numerous others). These passionate, esoteric and vulnerable expressions of His must be wisely communicated by devotees while being sensitively, compassionately and acutely received and felt by all.​

Most all of what will be presented has (and is) unnecessarily, fearfully, self defensively, been hidden or selectively, manipulatively withheld or misused by those in positions of power within the past and present hierarchical structures and by indiscriminate followers of institutional and cultural Adidam. Obviously there are matters of confidentiality that should not be breached in an obligation of wise protection, not only of Adi Da but for all those He Lovingly embraced and took seriously in their request for blessings, instruction, growth and awakening.


There will be specific names mentioned at times on this platform. The pre-patterned egoic errors dramatized by all devotees, playing various roles will be obvious and may point to many who have been the coins for such positions. When Adi Da addressed and served anyone, He was speaking and relating in a manner that is not that of an ordinary man. I do not mean that in any strange way that suggests He was not fully human nor responsible for His actions. As the first Realizer demonstrating, teaching and transmitting Divine Reality Self Recognition, He did not see or feel us as we did ourselves or one another. Anyone He served, to Him, they represented much more than they seemed to be. His interactions with one or a few were His means to reverberate out, pervade and encompass everyone and everything. A primary possible error of all devotee’s (past, present and future) is the failure to understand this is literally so.  Herein lies one of the many paradoxes of a sacred relationship to an Awakened Master. The relationship is both devotionally heart intimate and whole bodily and yet entirely impersonal synchronously. The way this relationship is lived depends both on what the Siddha Master is adept at in teaching and transmitting and the responsive seriousness of the aspirant. 


Unique to Adi Da's Revelation of Reality Being as Conscious Light, the One and Only Divine Self Position "views" all arising in a very different relationship to everyone and everything, including ones' own psycho physical mechanism: 

ADI DA SAMRAJ: “Mm-hm. And once you have understood, really, the nature of pattern (all arising phenomenon) , the klik-klak (repetitive) nature of object, then it doesn't make any difference where you appear in any context of patterns. The pattern is pattern-it doesn't make any difference. In other words, you are always in the position to inspect the nature of what is arising and see that it is klik-klak. And you don't have to be in a special circumstance, or a particular stage of life, a particular samadhi. The conditions themselves make no difference. The pattern is patterning. The pattern is always of the same nature ultimately, (as Reality Realization) whatever it appears to be in particular, in a moment or context.”  


In these recent years I came to learn that communications and materials about His Way have been collected and stored by many different individuals outside the institutional archives. Why? Because there is uncertainty that the truth of what is being communicated by the leadership of Adidam can be trusted. Why? As could be expected, communications were at times skewed depending on who was communicating (on behalf of Adi Da) and to what degree hidden agendas were at play.  It is important to note that both the authorities and general practitioners who played multiple roles, at different times in relationship to Adi Da and His Work made mistakes and have learned many momentous lessons in doing so, with more to be understood. After all, one of the significant tenets of the Divine Reality Way depends on understanding critically significant errors and illusion in relationship to one another and Reality Itself! 


Present time the truth of the matter is significant lessons still need to be learned in order to authenticate Adidam as the True Culture He defined in detail as required for His Transmission Work to be embodied by a group of truly tested and proven advanced renunciate practitioners. This ORDER is essential to enable His Way to go beyond simply being an organizational structure that serves the Gifts He established and for His Blessing and Instructions to be extended from these Gifts. There is a bizarre but paradoxically understandable resistance to this continued necessary authentication process at present.

This website is not meant as a defence in relationship to many of the past controversies around Adi Da and His devotees. This is a profound esoteric offering about Divine Reality Truth for serious students, aspirants and practitioners of all traditions and cultures. What responsive individuals and our collective heart intentions are struggling with now (as barely a beginning foundation) is that we have yet to provide a matured and full vessel (mandala) for His profoundly unique Transmission. This has been a repetitive ego drama around all Realisers throughout all time. Will such repetitive patterning continue, or will we transcend this ego act collectively? This is what is to be observed and understood and demonstrated.

Because of the scapegoating game that is rampant in this ego made world, I have made a necessary heart decision relative to participation on this forum. In heart felt love and service to all interested in what is exposed on this site please compassionately understand that this blog will not be enabled as a platform for interactive conversation. In 2019 many devotees attempted to establish a forum for this collective purpose. Those few who have been brave and honest enough to speak openly, have endured many reactive outbursts and held up as objects of ridicule for doing so. Likewise, many who have held important authoritative roles in Adidam have too been scapegoated. By doing what I am doing here, please openly receive and use Adi Da’s Divine Self Revelation and Passionate Criticism in a way that can serve recognition responsive devotion and root self-understanding in all the necessary details and therefore a mobilization of action to organize a collective transformation. There are many trusted devotee intimates, family and public that I engage these important conversations with and am accountable to. I am unable to be more broadly available at this time. For this I apologize in advance. The fragility of my well being needs to be handled responsibly in this heart open service for Siddha Adi Da.

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