Anthroposphere (The Natural Zone of Necessary Human Responsibility)
A First Word About The Unified Global Ecology of The Necessary New Mode of Human Civilization
Adi Da: My communication in Not-Two Is Peace is a direct address to humankind-as-a-whole, because of the now profoundly changed situation of humankind–a situation that is not really being acknowledged and understood to be the case. In the present time, the social, political, economic, and religious domains of the human sphere are all characterized by a kind of “fundamentalism of the old days”, a kind of “retro world”–and this is creating a disaster, because humankind has not shifted in its understanding to account for the real situation that now exists. The current situation is one in which the prior unity of humankind is self‑evident–but that prior unity is not being acted upon. Instead, people are still hoisting the old “flags” and looking for “victory”.
When human beings were rather independent (or disconnected) from one another and living in tribal groups–isolated by geography, and not so much face‑to‑face–nation-states and all kinds of “tribalism” (religious, social, economic, and political) could represent a positive human and ecological influence, each within its own domain. However, in the present time, such “tribalism” can no longer function positively. In the present time, “tribalism” is producing disaster.