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Bright Leela

Bright Leela is not telling or enacting stories about the past, for the future.

Bright Leela is Ever Present NOW, demonstrated recognition of The Heart Itself, "from the beginning" and bringing hearted beings into this Room that is a Process coincident with Adi Da's human and spiritually transcendental Life.

Bright Leela IS True and Real Culture, all inclusive.

"I was born with subtle knowledge of the ‘Bright’.  I sought until I understood and knew the Heart as myself.  The I have lived to enjoy the Fullness.

What I communicate is the Form of Reality, which is the Heart, the Bright, and the Fullness as a simultaneous and unqualified actuality.

I am the Heart, who appears through the Bright as the enjoyment of fullness.  I exist as the Heart.  I am conscious as the Bright.  I am always present as the Fullness.  These I am.  They are not parts of me, but they are me.  Neither is secondary to the other, nor radically prior to or separate from the other.  There is no confusion.  There is a brilliant shout that is the single of everything.  In it all things continue as enjoyment, truth and creative play.”

Franklin Jones, Adi Da Samraj, “The Bright” (1971)


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