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Numbers, Signs and Results

When Adi Da Love Ananda was physically embodied, touching and being IN his Bright Form, it was and still is, deliciously nectarous, freeing and beautiful. To Be Lived As One, to witness, to hear, observe, feel, be breathed by, smell, touch, taste, with all the senses, tacit and tangibly, IN Brightness Being, Beloved Adi Da, humanly,  spiritually-transcendentally given, "moment by moment", responsively received and thus radiated.

The Bright Lawful conducting/radiating could not/can not occur IF radical self- understanding, agreed upon as "right action" IN Love Blissful relationships, (respectively and uniquely and creatively formal), is not responsively exercised.

This "Not-Two" Itself multiplies responsive participation of an infinite potential in availably open hearted/growing NUMBERS! 

Adi Da's final summary instruction was intimately detailed and made specific and precise to many "intimates" (and was spoken comprehensively for the collective) and yet, this instruction has not been thoroughly embraced. As a result, there is not the sufficient number of responsive participants required to enable the establishment of effective service to the Bright Itself, his gifts and the means he established. Also, there is no culture or mission or community or institution showing the results and signs required (in NUMBERS), signaled by many being invited, cultivated and enabling access.

One main reason for this failing is that there are a few key powerful devotees that decided to ignore Adi Da's Authority and put forth a false narrative that indicated only they were qualified to proclaim advancement, control/ownership and thereby define who could or could not participate, serve or be given access to sacred treasures and empowered sanctuaries. The mass majority of NUMBERS are allowing this "crime" of theft committed in relationship to Bright Adi Da.

Yes, I know, I and many devotees, have said this before. Stay with me because understanding the nuances of how these choices have, and are, undermining Bright Adi Da's World Work are immensely important to observe and understand. IF we want a turn about to HAPPEN in NUMBERS of human scale intimacies.

I point to the nuance of the lie, lack of integrity in qualifying as "formal", or presumed inner advancement and access for some and not "others". A very tight/virtually invisible inner circle and and outer temple kept at bay "out here 'in the world' ". 

Thus there is a limit placed on the NUMBERS of potentially available devotees to participate and serve as Bright Beloved prepared them to do. For some, who would choose to participate, they find they are being ostracized and decimated. 

The hurtful part is that to most all beings who are viewing this "Adidam" charade of  cultic insiderism/outsiderism, it is so glaringly obvious what is happening as a seemingly unmovable fundamentalism, in which again, the NUMBERS of responsive beings as friends, support or services are being ostracized and decimated.

Yet "insiders and outsiders" are agreeing to allow this unattractive schism, conflict, disagreement and destruction of responsive NUMBERS to Bright Adi Da, his Teachings and Reality Process, World Work/mission. 

Some may be attempting to change this dynamic but this (change) will not happen until Quandra Sukhapur becomes fully aware, via honest communication to her (and to Ruchiradama Nadikanta) about all the failing realities of Adidam. Plus, Quandra Sukhapurand needs to agree to come personally and visibly and accountably into the gathering of devotees otherwise, her tight fistedness that is a key part of failing "Adidam" will continue. Instead she is being related to in the same false manner Adi Da was.

It seems I would not need to say the following but Quandra Sukhapur is not Adi Da and she does not carry his mantle of Authority. How she lives and acts and controls Adidam is in fact contributing to destroying the potential constant influx of NEWNESS and NUMBERS into abundantly direct relationship to Adi Da's empowered Treasures. She is being made into a fool, "the queen with no clothes on". This is extremely painful to feel and observe. She has no "intimate devotee culture". 

I recently read a comment online in response to a dialog about Adi Da that was put forth as a response to a recent dialog had with Ken Wilber. The comment said "Sadly Adi Da is fading into the background as a narcissist, teaching about spirituality and as a failed experiment". 

Devotees of Adi Da will likely feel wounded, sad and hurt by such comments. These comments often are responded to by devotees with reactive defenses and a mode of protection or with "spin". However what is not being made use of is what is being reflected here that is about the activity of  "me/us/conditional truths".

Again NUMBERS reflect that most beings are not only allowing but enabling the "dying out" of Bright Adi Da's Reality Process and a wrong relationship to his spiritually transcendental transmission and gifts of means.

Many console themselves by giving meaning to conditional signs of "His Work" in the world. But anyone who knows/Knows Siddha Da and Bright Siddhis; tacit and tangible NUMBERS, abundant results and True and Real signs (tested and proven) are required. NOT subjective or objective experiences and abstracted attributions and gossipy rumoring.

Why? Reality Truth and Process is not elsewhere and IS all inclusive and pervading. HUGE NUMBERS are the primary resource and LAW.

The present governing authority of "formal Adidam" and the intermediate cultural and functional managers are intentionally keeping the gathering very small and working on its failed cultic self. The "priesthood" has now been trained to be precisely liturgical, ritualistic and ceremonial.  

While "outsiders" allow this.....

Bizzarre, yes? all of us actors profess either being unaware of this obvious self inflicted pinch to keep tight hold OR find reasons to justify it OR argue against the obviousness OR say that this dynamic cannot be changed!

Where are the visible NUMBERS asking for and who are willing to make free/open NEW actions of Radically NEW IN Love Yoga as truly grateful and humbled beginners, True and for Real, not as fakers or for "the future"?

Only this True and Real change will multiply and magnify the obviousness of available seeded hearts, sacred NUMBERS as ONE. 


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