Thus, the continued bringing of this plain speak to the courtly rituals being played out, calling itself "Adidam".
A new mummery costumed myth and program was created (insisted upon by authorities misusing his Teaching and Gifts) and placed upon Adi Da before and since his passing that has ignored the profound responsibility required for Reality Truth Realization.
The refusal of active responsibility and True and Real renunciation is still abundantly clear.
Even on the Hermitage Island of Naitauba.
The times are such that in the general world culture of ego politics, philosophy, religion business and seekers of spiritual experiences are now arguing that "the Guru is unnecessary.
A do it yourself world as independent beings or even as a presumed unity now insists the age of Gurus is over...
And here again (see link below) Bright Adi Da is speaking to "devotees" who represent the world to him. Nothing different than this passionate straight communication was stated to anyone. There is no justification for the egoically created revisions that have abused the Purity of Bright Being and Process required IN Reality Itself.
There is no governing order of authority keeping this Heart Integrity Alive associated with "the formalities" offered to the world via an insubstantial organization calling itself "Adidam".
To argue with or find fault in Adi Da Love Ananda and this direct summary address (se link below) is to deny the necessity of taking this criticism seriously and for Guru devotion as being essential for Realization, in relationship to any genuinely Realized Master.