See below a letter, sent in October 2018, to the governing leadership of Adidam. As you may note in the letter, I am not only offering my observations but those of other devotees who personally and intimately (for decades) know the devotees who are serving the governance function. Very few have such a necessary sensitivity and insight into the history of their relationship to Adi Da, Process, services, roles, pattered ego act personas, etc. Most all devotees altogether do not understand how they should be served intimately, In the Yoga of the Bright. They are being abstracted and misused just as Adi Da was during His Embodied Life. At the present time, the devotees who are governing Adidam are rarely seen, nor heard from by the general gathering nor do they practice in a culture of accountability. In effect they are “invisible authorities” in a warped misinterpretation of true sacred hierarchy. One of the devotees lives isolated and is never seen expect by a few “servants”. These realities are entirely contrary to Adi Da’s Instructions regarding any devotee, most especially for those in positions of extremely significant responsibilities and consequential impact on Him, His Work, Treasures and all devotees and on out, to the public.
Those aware of the changes that need to be made have extended their hearts and open hands to serve them in Love in response to Adi Da as He Asked to be done. The response has been a dissociative, self-protective refusal. They are being surrounded by devotees who are being actively dishonest, hidden and seemingly unaware of the impact of this dissociative armoring. Why? The answer to this question requires an esoteric sensitivity to Adi Da and His Divine Self Revelation Leela especially as Gifted in The Orpheum Trilogy and His Instructions to these devotees personally.
October 19, 2018
Dear Devotees,
May this offering bring you joy and my loving blessings. Da! .... bowed down and heart wed in and as Only One.
It is the last day of the sacred vigil in which we as a Prior Unity, integral with all and thus influencing all, again are gifted abundantly with the Reality Realization that there is Only the One Divine Being that is Conscious Light. It is in this very Context that we may speak in Love Bliss.
Please receive this gift with a wide-open melted heart, mind and bodily being. It offers a balm of inherent letting go that carries a blossoming seed of transformation. And a grace given spontaneous reciprocation that will wash every face and heart bright and allow the Prior Unity to tangibly radiate while flowering out through the Sacred Structures already subsequently Given therein. These Blessed Agencies have been loved and worshiped in devotion, maintained by devotees and the responsive heart of all as the One that is Adidam, the all Inclusive Temple of Recognition Response to the Divine Person of the Bright Reality, Beloved Bhagavan Adi Da. His Accomplishing Siddhi of Divine Self Recognition awakens our Recognition Response thus coinciding, which manifests as Inherent Prior Unity, this is the all-inclusive Adidam that is emerging and now must fully come alive As The Beloved. This is how I feel Adidam at heart. This is how we have been Unconditionally Loved and Perfectly Know True Love. This is how all beings will be attracted to and respect Adidam, by this same embrace. Humanly and altogether. Open handed and Open Hearted.
It is with a heart prayer that you have been able to read the Beezone dialogs that will give you a feel of my own process over the past many years. Even if you have not, there is one thing that is of critical importance in being able to receive what is offered here. That is that even though our processes have continued in very very different modes, you can trust the depth of my heart and recognition. The seemingly different contexts of our process have been synchronous at root, prior to mind and seemingly manifest conditions. The coinciding of the flip sides of the coins is a key to transformation. Please hear me offer my heart to you. I love you both so deeply you are in me always. You are inherently integral to the Leela of His Life and thus of my life too. You are Him to me, humanly incarnate as “not-other”. Very intimate and personal to me and yet utterly transcended in the Bright Bhagavan Adi Da, Being of Love Bliss.
It is fully by Grace alone understood that this Divine Reality is literally the very awakened heart of each and all that seem to appear as separate or different "others", to whom we are, as One, seemingly related. In this unfathomable Gift of Divine Self Recognition of the Bright Beloved, I bow. I am certain this is your blessed confession too, as would be likewise with an unknown number of other blessed beings who have been thus awakened by our Beloved's Divine Heart Descent and Consequential Awakening Power of the Bright, the Regeneration of the True Reality Heart of all beings and things.
From the depths of my heart there is a swelling of joy, and a humble dose of hesitancy to even speak it. Only in that this heart yearning goes deeper than self-awareness, yet now it is coinciding with vision and voice. It must be spoken...will it be received? It feels truly auspicious! Is this the moment? This grace given unfolding vision is pouring into, up, around and out, a torque of yogic undoing requiring an ecstatic receptive opening regenerative flow that I have not felt in ages yet as intimate as the Divine Love Embrace that can never be forgotten.........cannot be as it is irrevocably secured......this enables the certainty of Bhagavan Adi Da's all Accomplishing Power.
The vision is about the recognition response to Adi Da, His Being and Avataric Incarnation of the Seventh Stage Revelation that was fully Accomplished at the moment of His Mahasamadhi. A heart revelatory "vision" of seeing the actualization of a true incarnate culture of Adidam, with effective and respected integrity, has been given to me only to be spoken, to you. I want to share this with you. I would not be at all surprised if these murmurings are not already bubbling around in you! The Beloved of our Heart Moves this to Happen. This will require your reciprocation of trust, which I have no doubt of. As I trust your hearts perfectly. For there is no distinction to be made between anyone in the ecstatic heart yearning for Beloved Bhagavan's Work to take hold, already in recognition of His Accomplishments and Agencies and to thus shine like it never has before, wider than any effort of being, past, familiarity, formalities, structures, forms, action or inaction, accomplished only in Prior Unity. This comes down in the human domain, with no dissociation or abstraction or revision. Searchlessly, effortlessly, only recognized as True and Truth and the obvious action or rightening is clear. It is a wholly truly human, spiritually transcendental necessity for survival and preservation here in this world of the seen and unseen.
As you know I have just begun to reintegrate with a larger number of devotees by virtue of the move made this year to Northern Australia. This reintegration took many forms such that I was directly and psychically combined with what is presently "Adidam". Also becoming aware of the responses coming back, not at all in detail but enough to feel the present time dynamic. I noticed several things. What stood out was that the gathering of devotees (bonded in recognition and prior unity) formal or not felt somewhat the same in so many respects as I have felt and known it previously, prior to Beloved Bhagavan's Mahasamadhi. This is in the sense of how it is manifesting as a human collective and being received in the world. That Adidam did not fall apart after Beloved Bhagavan's Mahasamadhi is a blessed miracle in and of itself. Many wondered if this may happen and it has not, ten years later! The incredible gifts that have continued to pour out of Adidam to all is testimony to the bond, eternal vow, passion, perseverance and commitment of thousands who have continued to serve or even just hang on for dear life! Also blessed with newly brightened hearts and faces.
There have also been incredible processes and changes occurring and challenges met, and new aspects brought into being and a firming up of the sacred structures that are meant to exist to surrender into, to be served. This being done in the face of all odds!
Of course, I am not saying anything here you do not know.......this is a BIG HUGE THANK YOU to both of you for your services. As they have been given to you and as you felt needed to be done, you with so many others have kept what was Given by Beloved Bhagavan alive and aligned, to the best of your ability!
I have also been aware of certain levels of angst around this process of manifestation, especially around what happened right after the Mahasamadhi ten years ago. It seems that personal, cultural and collective decisions were made and locked into place that created a new form of divisiveness in the gathering. This in turn debilitated a core matter of trust amongst one another and leadership. There were also old patterns from the past that continued that no longer "made sense". This affects the entire collective response to our Beloved Bhagavan and His Work and how we are viewed by humankind in the world. It has, kind of, made sense to me that this occurred, given this was a continuation of how it was when Bhagavan Da was alive! His constant Shout, however, was His Address to these errors and ineffective ways of functioning. So it seems there was an attempt to continue on "as if" He was Alive still, which has sacred logic to it given how we grew to serve and worship Him, but perhaps some errors too. More time for purification has been occurring it seems. And that is OK as we are continuing to unfold in our response in this most profound process of going beyond all the errors of the collective of humankind and the Great Tradition as a whole! No easy task! And no one or group of ones can get this right! No victims nor finger pointing required or useful here at all! The collective response is what is manifest today, formally involved or not. So only understanding, compassion and forgiveness is necessary.
Without having to know too many details, again enough to feel the essence of the dynamic, this "vision" of Beloved Bhagavan’s already having Accomplished the turnabout, which is just the process continuing, came into being by His Grace. This coincided of course with study, invocation, meditation and open dialog with the apparently existing various differing voices of the collective. There is a turbulence that is palpable and a polarized dynamic. Yet, it felt to me to be the turbulence of purification a foot and a forked tongue of the same heart yearning of lovers...... paradoxically. Yet not the enlightened voice of Prior Unity, truly humanly engaged, trust and respect at the core and radiating out. Adidam amongst itself, formal or informal does not humanly demonstrate C+T=P. ......can you feel this?
So, the "vision" was a radical sacred suggestion dropped from the Love Bliss Nectar of Prior Unity Itself. When Beloved Bhagavan speaks to humanity about the Reality of Prior Unity he is not speaking merely to those recognizing Him. He speaks to the truly vulnerable heart of all humanly manifest beings, visible or not. All devotees (those whose hearts have been touched and bonded to Him in Love Blissful Recognition, formal or informal, of which there are so so many) need to manifest this with one another humanly before our Beloved Bhagavan the Divine Person Who Is Conscious Light and His Agencies and Sacred Structures can be served fully cooperatively, with tolerance and thus accountability..... then inevitably auspiciously.
This allows what you have been working so tirelessly at to come alive! In Prior Unity, where no face, status, position, role, level, differences, location, gender makes no difference at all. Then each one of us, as a collective are accountable to this humanly sacred trust as One. This allows the ecstatic flow of dialog and even debate to come to fruition dissolving differences into right auspicious and blessed action.
This as a Sacred Reality, humanly manifest, will allow the Bright Room to be where the obviousness of service, function, practice is revealed, seen and trusted and praised. Prior Unity is the Sacred Flow of beings with the Sacred Structures that serve in true devotional recognition response.
Amusedly I was moved to replace the word “humanity” with “Adidam” or with “devotees” in the small booklet PRIOR UNITY. This was a blessed gift for me, and this is so obvious for all beings as the foundation gesture that is necessary globally. It is happening, of this I am sure. Adidam enacting this in a way that would turn heads and hearts, would enable a turn of the tide and the necessary undoing of the fist and twist at the heart root that will open the flood gates of Love Bliss amongst us all.
My initial suggestion is this:
Open the gates of the Sanctuaries to all who want Beloved Bhagavan Adi Da's Work to succeed and are able to embrace Prior Unity, integrate with all very humanly in love, set aside (for the moment) the consideration of levels and positions and functions and engage open dialogs, ecstatic unconditional Leela telling, praise of one another and gratitude, no taboos, Love Blissful embrace and trust and respect restored as a Prior Unity. This means everyone, and the greatest gesture will be from you two, as you are at the core. The two of you being seen to embrace one another this way will restore hearts to the radical understanding that the Way of the Heart is shown in Love's Divine Embrace humanly. Coming down from the Brightness and living amongst devotees so they can feel your tangible human embrace of Prior Unity. I cannot tell you what a difference this would make.
Possibly: As an auspicious timing
This could be initiated at Dana Vera Mela and continue forever and be seen and felt in His Divine Light and Love Bliss....what eventuates. This I promise you will unleash His Siddhis. This will draw attention in the most auspicious way. No dissociation, no isolation. Open Handed and Hearts Happy beyond all fear.
Please share with the intimate devotees who may be there with you now!
Yes, madly in Love for sure. The tides they are a turning. Please enjoy this happy embrace of my heart. This is yours to do what you will with.
In Divine Heart Love
Remember, at heart with every breath, this paradoxical esoteric Truth of Siddha Da
I am speaking to everyone when I speak into the tape recorder. There is “nobody there”, except “somebody” with a tape recorder. Why is that? I am not just speaking to whoever is in the room with the tape recorder. I am speaking to everybody, literally. I meditate everybody. I am everybody. And I am speaking to everybody, and not to everybody as egos at all. I am simply Revealing Myself in “everyone’s face”. Adi Da 2008