The Bright Process including unique Siddha Da Siddhis and Signs is necessarily a devotionally activated blessing and transcendental spiritual** grace yoga of "Listening, Hearing and Seeing and Perfect Practice Process" which occurs in direct coincidental relationship, simultaneously and spontaneously, with all the three states/stations of the heart (and corresponding developmental stages of life) of waking/gross, dreaming/subtle and sleeping/causal.
Understanding these esoterically technical aspects of Bright Reality Process/Yoga are essential to intuit, know, feel and practice, in detail, the unique tapas of Adi Da's given True and Real Heart Way.
This Way is inclusive of the entire great tradition, seeming "past, present and future" of all experiential potentials of any and all manifest beings.
This is the only way devotees can be sure practice is Real and True and is thus showing the signs required that indicate purification, handling life business (individually and as a collective), taking responsibility by new agreements and equanimity in free energy and attention via radical self-understanding IN unqualified relationship.
In addition, True and Real devotees will then be equipped to notice and make right use of Bright Blessings that become recognized/noticed ever more clearly as Adi Da's unique transcendental spiritual** transmission. The Thumbs establishes the True and Real devotee as the witness. This establishment initiates the ultimate aspects of Bright Atma Nadi Shakti Yoga.
Bright Reality Sadhana is tapas that inherently transcends experience via going beyond ego self/activity and patterns-patterning rather than working on "it", for its own sake as seekers.
The True Divine Self Condition/Position is Awakened and Ultimately Most Perfectly Realized, prior to the witness in the causal state and domain. All three states, and respective learning, lessons, growth and outgrowing and responsible capabilities are "gone beyond" IN Bright Awakening/Outshining Grace/Siddhis.
This is Bright Satsang, sadhana and sangha. The sangha must synchronously show the collective bodily signs of what is required also. If this is not understood, acknowledged, embraced and honestly evaluated there is no True and Real culture capable of evaluating ANY devotee process, practice or service.
At present, this capability for True and Real authentic evaluation in relationship to the entirety of Bright Process is not the case. Why?
Making use of Adi Da's words, "fakers" are the prominent and dominant force still.
It is wholly possible to do the actions of required changes for this authenticity to occur, even relatively quickly. ONLY IF devotees are Real and True, as in being vulnerably and compassionately straight, honest, open, transparent, truly respectful and In Love Itself.
Doing so on a human scale and as a collective body of true devotional intimacy as serious participants IN Reality Truth Awakening and service Therein, noticed and lived as all inclusive. Not an inward turned cult of costumed mummers.
Adi Da Love Ananda: 1996: "So if your development in this Way is slow, its because you’re stepping outside the process. it’s not that the process itself is retarded.
This is why the hearing matter is so profound and fundamental to this Way. it’s the foundation of the process that must develop, because it’s about finding the self-knot, the self-contraction, finding it as your own activity, feeling it’s disturbed, ill-at-ease characteristic but also even in every moment of such sensitivity enjoying the capability to feel beyond it in this Communion with Me.
So hearing is the first great step beyond the initiation of Ishta-Guru-Bhakti Yoga. In other words, the first dimension of the process is concentrated in the awakening of hearing, because you must enjoy and suffer this capability to stand in the egoic position and feel beyond it. If you don’t do that, then if you faked your way on to level 2 and then beyond and so forth, you’d simply be involved in a kind of evolutionary or developmental ego-game. Whereas the Way of the Heart is about the transcendence of egoity."