These Reality Speaks communications are most remarkable!
Of which this heart/Heart seeded/Seated being has been graced to be awakened Into by Siddha Da Love Ananda, Ever Present and Eternal Now.
I am bowed down, responsively responsible, humanly and transcendentally spiritually receptive/open throated/ moved/stilled/silent in and by Love Bliss Itself. Da Bright Fidelity, "no matter what arises or does not arise", proven/Proven.
I Love you/You. Only Bright Divine Being, all inclusive.
Da Bright Avatar:
"The core of this Teaching is the Revelation that the human individual is structurally intended to be surrendered, body and mind and self, through love, into the Radiant Transcendental Consciousness or All-Pervading and Divine Current of Life. The ultimate Destiny of those who love in this manner is transcendence of both mind and body in the Divine. Our Destiny is not in Heaven or Earth, but in literal and total Sacrifice and Translation into the Transcendental Divine Radiance, Infinite Consciousness, and Absolute Personality that is the Truth and Support and Paradoxical Source of this world."
Adi Da Samraj from The Enlightenment of the Whole Body:
"Enlightenment, or Divine Communion in the most perfect sense, is not annihilation. Nor is it the same as directing attention toward "heaven", or some positive extension of ordinary human "experience". It is simply the dissolution of attention in this realm, with faith — in other words, with most perfect confidence in the Transcendental Spiritual Reality Itself, allowing this life to Be What It Is, and to dissolve. It is to Rest in the Transcendental Spiritual Divine Being, so that (Most Ultimately) when it does fall away completely, there is no connecting link, no seed that would determine attention to return to it. In that case, your Destiny is Divine. What that Destiny is, is not spoken.
There is no "self" behind or contained in the body-mind-complex. Personal "experience" is a modification of the Divine. It is not personal. The same One is modified as any other "person" — is modified as "me". That is the Realization — that there is only the Transcendental Spiritual Divine Being, and no separate "persons". The Transcendental Spiritual Divine Being is appearing to be modified as all kinds of "events", "persons", conditions, "experiences". When one becomes established in the Transcendental Spiritual Divine Being then the particular necessity of an independent, "personal" existence dissolves — at least, independent existence in the form that you "experience" it in this human limit. What the destiny is beyond the human being, when the necessity of attention to be a human being dissolves, is to be seen. There is no need to be concerned about what will be, or to try and create some circumstance. It will be whatever it is."
Avatar Adi Da Samraj:
"A Divinely purposed life is an ordeal like any other life, but it is made meaningful or Divinely relevant by its orientation."
Avatar Adi Da Samraj, October 12, 2004:
"Use your lifetime for the sake of Divine Self-Realization. If you use it for anything less, then what is less becomes your destiny. All destinies, fulfilled, have a force that leads you to dissatisfaction. There is an emptiness in acquisition. In getting, a dissatisfaction arises, because one was already full of the search. The search is an agony, a disease, a kind of stress you want to be relieved of. You believe you cannot be relieved of it until you achieve union with your object, whatever that may be. Therefore, in your stress, you desire to pursue that object. That pursuit is what you are full of. When you acquire your object, you are empty, because you are no longer full of the stress of the search. And, all of a sudden, you feel, in that moment of absence of the search, a glimpse of something greater, Freedom Itself, Happiness Itself."
Avatar Adi Da Samraj from "The Mirror and The Checkerboard" from The Aletheon:
"As the ego-“I”, you function as the body does with reference to Consciousness Itself — in ignorance of the Consciousness-Position. It is as if the cells of the physical body “meet” together in order to determine how they are going to “dictate” — in an entirely insubordinate manner — the pattern of existence for Consciousness Itself! Then, Consciousness, without direct and intuitive understanding of Its Own Condition, “goes along” with these “demands” — as if the body were, in fact, the Identity of Consciousness Itself. Such is the essence of egoity.
For Consciousness to Wake Up to Its Own Self-Position (or to Recognize Its Own State) Is Divine Self-Realization. However, Divine Self-Realization is not merely a mental process. Rather, Divine Self-Realization Is, necessarily, a Transcendental Spiritual process. And the Real Transcendental Spiritual process requires the orientation of devotion — which is the orientation to What Is Beyond the “self”-knot. To embrace the life of devotion to Me, My devotee must cease to “grant” the body (or the total body-mind-complex, or the complex psycho-physical totality) the “right” to “design” the pattern of his or her existence.
In Reality, the body is not senior to Consciousness Itself. In Reality, Consciousness Itself Is Senior — subordinate to nothing and no one. However, in the human “world”, everything is patterned by ego. Once the ego-pattern “gets rolling”, it replicates itself automatically. For that pattern to be corrected, you must become aware of what you (as ego) are doing, and you must change your act — and you must be culturally obliged, by means of systematic accountability, to change your act (based on right “self”-observation and right “self”- understanding). All of this is required in order for the Transcendental Spiritual process to be Real — and It cannot be otherwise.
Without My Divine Avataric Intrusion into your life, your ego-pattern merely replicates itself endlessly, relative to everything whatsoever — and you remain trapped in the ego-possessed domain of “point of view”. The ego-patterning of each individual human being, and even the collective ego-patterning of humanity as a whole, is ceaselessly replicated — very much in the manner of cellular reproduction.
The fundamental by-Me-Revealed and by-Me-Given Law of true Spiritual life (and even of true human life) is this: Never subordinate the Source. If that fundamental Law is discarded, there is not anything that is right. As soon as that one Law is cancelled, the ego-pattern starts taking over everything, in the manner of cellular reproduction. The ego manifests itself virtually infinitely, in a checkerboard pattern that replicates its own state and position."