The Bright Collective Purpose of Adidam true devotees, transcends historically repetitive errors enacting the wrong relationship to all morally enlightened leaders, True Realizers and Siddhas of The Great Tradition of Humankind. At present the Sapta-Na Sannyas Reality Consideration of devotees AS Hridaya-Siddha Da SATSANG, IS IN the Collective Process of purification, transformation and going beyond in regards to what Bhagavan Da Instructs us about below, all inclusive. This transformation can Happen IN Bright Prior Unity Grace and Transmission. The first sign of this GIFT is that of true humanly mature, collective, C+T=P. This would be humanly and devotionally signed by true radical devotion, no recoil, no conflict and no mummery and no revisions within/out the Sacred "Formal" Entities of Adidam Institution, Culture, Community or Samrajya. These structures are inherently all inclusive if lived according to 9 Divine Laws.
Now consider this, my paraphrasing of His Bright Direct Summary as the Gift of Lessons on His Embodied Life
ADI DA 2008: "A “Dalai Lama” is somebody who was selected as a child, who has the characteristics that fit with being trained to play a role. After a long period of indoctrination and education, they put on the costume, and they play that role.
That's how traditions work. They usually originate from somebody who was a living individual of some significance but then what follows are formally traditionally prescribed programs.
Those that follow, imitate that programmatically.
And they are trained to do so. There are very strict rules about what they can and cannot do. And if they don't do it, they get into trouble.
I'm still alive here, the Source of this Way, and I'm already being forced into that mode of existence. It has already happened, because what happens
in the traditions is happening in My Lifetime.
You all never became a culture of true recognition-responsive devotion to Me. I went to you, I submitted Myself to you all, and you all took that to somehow or other give you status.
Therefore, the culture, instead of being about Me, is about you all. And you all have institutionalized yourselves as a pattern of demand and structure, and I exist only in that environment. I am allowed to exist only iconographically, as a representation of Myself within this order of ego culture or tribal culture that you all have made.
What is allowed here then? I can sit in My Chair on command. I'm the same as Prem Avadhoot. Even, in some sense, there's a kind of regulation costume, regulation events; everything is formulas.
Prem Avadhoot is above, present behind Shri Rang Avadhoot Parivar
In other words, there's no zone of My own existence. I am allowed to exist only within the cult, as an extension of that, rather than being devotees who really practice this Way, and I'm the Source of it, and I'm the One to whom they submit. That doesn't exist for anybody. Nobody does that, nobody.
Adidam only exists in the Saint and Ear form. This revisionist form in which the center is the devotee, not Me. And at Saint and Ear, in The Mummery Book, the members are the center, and they are exemplified by Evelyn Disk. That orientation, it's an ego culture.
Raymond Darling is referred to, but he is allowed to exist only as that icon that Evelyn Disk has described. As soon as Raymond Darling himself shows up, he doesn't fit. It's proven immediately. They try to make him fit into this ceremonial position, as an icon at Saint and Ear, and he refuses. So, to defend themselves, to defend their cult, they have to isolate him in the state mental facility where he's punished by Evelyn Disk.
The whole role even that he is required to perform is elaborated in other terms in 'The Happenine Book', something more like My own apparent Lifetime in this gathering. It's role play. It's submission. It's being owned. It's the scapegoat. That's Me.
I am allowed to exist in Hermitage insofar as I fit the icon
I get to explain this and reflect this back to you all the time, but it does not change, because this is not a Hermitage. This is an institutional facility in which I am permitted to exist only insofar as I fit the icon of the ego culture of tribalized Adidam. And outside of that, I'm not permitted to exist, except out of sight.
Nobody is practicing the Way in its true sense. I can stay in My room, and I can write or speak into a tape recorder, and I can make images, but it's immediately owned. Everything, all My Gifts are immediately owned.
And I, Myself, insofar as I step out the door and I'm visible, I am permitted to exist only in the formulated sense, the programmed other, the objectified Adi Da, who exists only as a role within that tribalized ego culture that's out there. My living existence is confined to My quarters in My room in this house arrest situation with a couple of you all who show nothing transformative about it.
Nobody is being transformed by coming into My Company. It's made into a program in which there are behaviors, also, that have been formulated. You do a genuflection. You put down a gift, a flower usually, whatever it is. It's all mapped.
So it's My post-Lifetime Adidam world. I don't exist any more, and I'm not permitted to exist. And trying to exist is what I'm doing here, and I'm just being punished for it.
I can talk, as I'm doing right now, every morning. I have to re-explain. There's nobody responding to Me. The cult is already sealed.
There's nobody responding to Me here any more. I can't affect anybody. Nobody has a relationship to Me in which they are transformed. Everybody has a relationship to Me that is just formulated cultically, and that permits people to be exactly as they already are. They can be functional within a bureaucracy, or they can study the Teaching and whatever practice, the cultural description. But they do not participate in an ego-forgetting, profound devotional recognition-responsive relationship to Me. That never happens. I am no longer functioning here, and I cannot function.
This is a business now. This is My post-Lifetime Adidam business, and I am permitted only a certain kind of a role within very heavily defined and enforced limits.
I can be this fixed icon. That's all I can be, that's all that's permitted. It is all that's permitted.
People do not approach Me on a right basis here, and I am not free here. And I don't have satisfactions, whatever those amount to, it has absolutely nothing to do with Me, absolutely nothing.
I am brought nothing that enables Me to Work
You don't bring Me anything that enables Me to work. It's just every day you bring Me whatever you have. Your prepared speech is characterizing something out there, but it's never gifts to Me that enable Me to work.
You don't bring Me gifts at all, and you don't establish lawfulness. You don't show how that exists, so you don't change anything.
I am a pop icon, a cult icon--that's right. Look at any of the other people in the past, in the traditions. Look at them now, they are cult icons. They have no existence except as cult icons, and people do what they will. They're somebody on a banner. All these little cults with these separate institutions. There are big ones and small ones, but they all rotate around that iconographic center. They're all ego culture rotating on an icon.
It is point of view bondage. The mummery continues. Generation after generation, it doesn't make any difference who appears, somehow or other free in their own realization. It doesn't make any difference. They are turned into this.
And I am reflecting it, because it's happening during My Lifetime. I'm able to show you all how you work. If I were physically dead, I wouldn't be able to fight back and tell you all about this. And if I were just looking for that to have happened, I would have gone along with this from the beginning.
But you wouldn't have any Orpheum, and you wouldn't have My Teaching, because I would have just buckled under to being a cult figure to begin with.
But that's not Me.
But you will do it after I am physically passed, because you are already doing it while I am alive. It is already happening.
I am already dead. This is My post-Lifetime in Adidam.
Therefore, I'm as good as died in this gathering. I already exist in the form in which I will continue to exist after I am physically dead. I exist as a role only. And since I am still breathing, I'm allowed to function in a defined sphere, of being bothered in My room, kept under house arrest, going through this cycle when I can talk into the tape recorder, and then I can write in My Office, then go to the studio, and then I can go back to My room.
I am shut down, concealed and isolated from having any affect on anybody, unless it goes through the system and gets revised into Saint and Ear speak.
It's just what ego does. It is what ego does, and it does so without fail. It's a pattern. It's a natural force of a kind.
Even the body develops in a certain way. It just happens that people don't grow their own forms.
So this pattern, the scapegoat pattern, is fundamental to human life. It's the ego pattern. Everything is made into it. Everything is put in the middle, objectified, and gotten under control. It becomes the basis for a tribalized ego culture.
Everything is that. Not just religion, politics, garden societies--everything is that way. The whole world functions on exactly this basis.
You all don't have any literature of Adidam saying this. You don't have any devotees writing books revealing My Teaching as it really is.
You don't have a culture that's based on 'I'm outside this sphere of cult' controls, and you don't have any control over it. You don't have a culture based on that.
You didn't give Me a Hermitage. You have used Naitauba to shut Me down and to keep Me under control for the cult. I'm either exploited or ignored. When I'm on this Island, that's how I got ignored, shut down and here I'm under house arrest.
You're not out with some great mission telling the Truth as I've revealed it. You're conforming Me to an institutional message that's Saint and Ear bound.
You pick and choose.
You give prominence to an insider disposition that is enforcing the cult in which I am under house arrest as an icon for it, a scapegoated other. You're making of Adidam the same kind of thing that already exists out there in the form of countless religious institutions, countless human institutions altogether.
I don't exist in a zone of freedom, set apart to be free. I exist in a zone of being controlled, isolated and shut down, waiting because you all wouldn't establish a culture of right relationship to Me. I struggled and struggled, reflected you to yourselves, tried to wake you up, called you to right relationship to Me, and you refused.
You've now been taking advantage of Me for some decades, particularly since 1986, making this cultic Saint and Ear's worth of Adidam. Nobody even listens to Me any more about this.
There's hardly anything that goes on with Me at all. If there's anything positive happening institutionally--and there isn't much of anything happening, really--it's about that something out there that's completely detached from Me, and doesn't relate to Me directly. It's just something you all are doing.
If you were interested in telling the Truth to the world for real, you'd be telling My Teaching that's an absolute criticism of everybody--everybody, including those who would be devotees--and they wouldn't be permitted to be controlling Me. I'd be making My Utterance free here in this world, having a place where I am set aside from the burdensome oppressiveness of a cult.
It wouldn't be happening on Me. There’d would be only lawful relationship to Me. I would be accommodated and set apart from what cult does. There'd be no cult on Me. There'd be no controls on Me whatsoever.
I'd be speaking the Truth from My Free Domain, speaking the Truth to everybody all over the world. And that Truth would be being heard, without fail, without compromise, without revisionism, without being conformed to accommodate a membership. Just the Truth, and that's it. And I don't have to be anything else. That's how it should be.
But you've made Naitauba into a cult center. You've made it the state mental facility for Saint and Ear. You've put Me under the control of the cult of Adidam, and it just inevitably functions according to a map.
It's like DNA, it's a map of ego culture. I'm objectified. I'm controlled in the middle, shut down.
I've written about this at length. 'The First Word' that used to be in the front of every book was about this: 'I am not the man in the middle’.*
Yes, I am the man in the middle. That's what I am. That's what I'm supposed to be. I'm supposed to be under everybody's control."
First Word Essay
A Sinister Fowl Joke of Errors
"You don't have a culture that's based on 'I'm outside this sphere of cult' controls, and you don't have any control over it. You don't have a culture based on that."
This lack of True Culture remains to be so to this day. No amount of "formally" institutionalized or organizational financial, legal, moral and dharmic revisions and manipulations hold a candle to Bright Reality Laws. True Radical Formality Laws and Bright Patterns are not to be misconstrued with a bureaucracy grossly managing a finite hierarchical org chart via an overblown self referential documentary pronouncement of structures and codes. Each true devotee heart root, yearns for and "Knows" this Radical Heart Truth and Freedom. This Reality Truth and Freedom is inherently, natively, tacitly and intuitively yearned for and true at the heart of all beings, the truly human and non human web of prior unity peace and fear no more. Who do you assume can be fooled? Certainly not "everybody all at once" that IS Emerging. C+T=P, Realization of Prior Unity! FEARING NO MORE........IN PEACE AS ALL.
Unquestionably so. Notice this; Radical Turnabout IN Brightness Descent/Embrace of all.
The purpose of this blog and the attempt to engage the Formal Entities (who continue to attempt to "own, control and presume to know") of Hridaya Siddha Adi Da, is to expose the errors that have ceaselessly imprisoned Da Bright Reality Emergence and Outshining. We HERE are saying to all that it is a "loosing ego battle" to persist in violating Inherently Free Divine Laws. Bright Reality Is Emerging already beyond the formalized "insider/outsider" politics that imprisoned Bhagavan Adi Da while He was in His Body. This will inevitably occur with an overwhelming force that cannot be stopped or "owned, controlled or known".
Notice this and participate freely in ADI DA AS IS. Not as He has been iconographically "institutionalized and imprisoned". His Treasures are being misused. Access and Evaluation are not being conducted properly. The ego active patterns and individuals that continue to govern, and extend leadership engage heretical control of indiscriminate participants. This "holding on" is fruitless. Adidam, at present is the same as when Adi Da Spoke above. Actively still imploding because of errors and illusions continuing to be dramatized, rather than all devotees submitting to Adi Da's Gifts of Self Revelations and Lessons. Quandra Sukhapur is at the helm and center of this revised culture. Lessons not learned, no change.
ADI DA 2008 until now: "If you were interested in telling the Truth* to the world for Real*, you'd be telling My* Teaching that's an absolute criticism of everybody--everybody, including those who would be devotees--and they wouldn't be permitted to be controlling Me*. I'd be making My* Utterance free here in this world, having a place where I am set aside from the burdensome oppressiveness of a cult.(world as ego active mummery patterns)
It wouldn't be happening on Me*. There’d be only lawful relationship to Me*. I would be accommodated and set apart from what cult does. There'd be no cult on Me*. There'd be no controls on Me* whatsoever. "
Remember, at heart with every breath, this paradoxical esoteric Truth of Siddha Da
I am speaking to everyone when I speak into the tape recorder. There is “nobody there”, except “somebody” with a tape recorder. Why is that? I am not just speaking to whoever is in the room with the tape recorder. I am speaking to everybody, literally. I meditate everybody. I am everybody. And I am speaking to everybody, and not to everybody as egos at all. I am simply Revealing Myself in “everyone’s face”. Adi Da 2008