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Julie Pauline Sacred Artifacts Healing Leela Part 5

September 12, 1977

Bright Adi Da:

“There is only one ‘Consideration’*. It is newly communicated, constantly renewed and brought to individuals. It is that you fail to Realize that this realm is not just a dead-end of ‘objects’, with which you may be obsessively involved, or from which you may be obsessively detached. It is the modification of a Single, Absolute Divine Reality. And when you rest in That Divine Reality, you are essentially at peace, Radiant in this Condition, not full of ‘knowledge’ but full of Happiness. You may then live freely and accomplish the universal cycle of living, in this form and in all the other forms that appear.”

Adi Da goes on to Say:

“Those who want to go ‘within’ are just evading responsibility. They will not Love. They will not yield to the pattern of their relations. They will not serve. They are looking for some sort of ‘knowledge’, but there is no ‘knowledge’ that is Truth. Truth is not an ‘object’ to consciousness. You cannot ‘see’ Truth. You can only Be It. It is a Process rather than an ‘object’.

Love Is Truth—when you are free to Live It, ‘Consider’ It, and penetrate the form of your conventional life.” ~The Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary

*Reality, Event, Process, or Being

September 13, 1978 Bright Adi Da Writes:

“Awaken at last beyond all the limits of the body-mind-complex into Transcendental Spiritual Identification with the Self-Radiant Current and Self-Existing Consciousness in Which the body-mind-complex is arising. Only then will the “Root”-Current penetrate beyond the brain core and even the brain itself, to Shine in Transcendental Spiritual Glory As Love-Bliss and the Very Being of Conscious Light. Only This is Enlightenment. All the rest is mere ‘experience’, the puny occupation of ‘Narcissus’, or the body-mind-complex itself, intent on the survival of its own illusions of independence and the endless enumeration of differentiated ‘objects’, never surrendered, never given over to Reality Itself, never transcended, the Love-Bliss of the Eternal never Realized.”

Beloved Adi Da then Concludes:

“The human individual is nothing more than a poor and temporary modification of Light, appearing to surround and emanate from a central core of Light.

In Truth, the human individual is unnecessary, not even an emanation, but only a conventional appearance, without an Ultimate ‘Cause’.

Therefore, humanity is called to Real God, to the transcending of egoity, wherein the illusory body-mind-complex is rested in its Divine Identity. Then human beings are not only Divinely Liberated from themselves and their ‘world’, but, even while they seem to live their actions, they Demonstrate only the Self-Radiant Personality of Love-Bliss.

Divine Enlightenment is the Ecstatic Realization of literal and Prior Identification with the Self-Existing and Self-Radiant Transcendental Spiritual Conscious Light in Which the body-mind-complex is arising.

Divine Enlightenment is not an ‘experience’, not a state of the personal body-mind-complex in itself, but the Transcendental Spiritual Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State of Existence, in Which there is no ‘difference’, no ‘other’, no ‘self’, no mind, no body, and no ‘world’.

Therefore, paradoxically, the conventions of ‘experience’—of ‘difference’, ‘other’, ‘self’, mind, body, and ‘world’—are ‘Known’ only in That Self-Existing Consciousness. They are arising only in That Self-Radiant Light. They are communicating only That Personality of Love.” ~Da Love-Ananda Mahal


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