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My Purity

Have you seen this early essay (see link above) from 1978?

This is another humanly and spiritually intimate communication which Bright Beloved Da gave (most intimately and passed on to all) that helps verbally elucidate and inherently illuminate our feeling awareness of the integrity of his Truly human maturity.


This confession of his Living Process highlights how his life process and purpose demonstrated that he is no longer trapped in an egoic identity or seemingly uninspected "shadow characteristics".


That being said he continued to be combined  (as he describes) with "us all", who are still choosing to be trapped in egoic self identification and thus limited views requiring lessons to be learned.  As devotees of Adi Da, we are, each and all, tacitly and tangibly and priorly established participants in this developmentally maturing, spontaneously unfolding, intervention process, IN the Divine Truth of Being Itself. 


Our initial responsive awakening is seeded by the Bright Itself as radical root recognition and understanding.

Exactly what and how he speaks to us in this essay. Thus, as he describes for himself,  inevitable radical devotion to Bright Source will be demonstrated uniquely by each pre patterned being, relationship or collective.

A necessary key engagement (as Bright Beloved is doing in this essay), is fully intimate, consciously spoken, disclosure of insight, into all aspects of our (individual and collective) incarnate life patterning, followed by new agreed upon, enabled and supported, new action. Signed by perpetually new Living relationship. 

Given Up! in this non dissociative purity of True In Love vulnerability, as self-understanding,  wherein ego self transcending yoga is not only clear and responsibly chosen, but new creative action becomes service to all intimates and to humanity.

Again, a uniquely detailed and fully individuated process, while priorly established and  awake, aware, active, intimately and universally, as One inherent synchronicity.

Adi Da's unique process and service function , as no seeking recognition responsive relationship to everyone and everything, is all inclusive, while priorly awake, all embracing, no recoil.

This is how he always Lived. Reality Process. This was and is my direct experience to him. Not as an other and now without fear/need or caught in a blind irresponsible fanaticism at root.

In living with him "then and now", there were no necessary evolutionary potentials that remain uninspected. Why? Bright Reality Process is literally all inclusive of everyone and everything, respected without differentiation but with great True Heart discrimination. 

Adi Da's essay "My Purity" also reminds me of another intimate confession to all beings: 

"My "devotees" are the "God" I have come to serve".


Listen to and consider this essay and confession in Adi Da's unique gift of radical root recognition and understanding, Bright Reality Process. 

Bright Blessings




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