Beloved Adi Da frequently communicated that true humanly manifested life, in Bright spiritually transcendental process, the all inclusive school of Divine Self Revelation, is the greatest sacred art form.
Thousands have been touched by Adi Da, in True Heart Awakening, including many which comprise a tremendous treasure chest of artistic skills.
The creation of a True and Real Culture is the sacred art form that Adi Da calls into being that authenticates His Life's Work. When will the collective agree to this and authentically begin this Installation? The first sign of which would be: no conflict. This "M field", that inspires/draws in, by the sign of integrity, is the effectively participatory means of a True Bright esoteric priesthood.
Adi Da Love Ananda:
"Only that which is loved is beautiful…The necessary essence of art is Love…Love must be the mother of the arts, not architect, not structure, not function. True art always involves the observer in the participatory gesture of being, or what we call love."
The artistic rendering of Adi Da Love Ananda (see below) is a miniature I painted for him, at his behest. He guided and designed this Murti form as a gift for one of his daughters. In doing so he taught me about surrender, into sacred art and he reignited my artistic skills that had developed in my youth.
This process of his gifting, drew me close in and I gratefully, inevitably ecstatically, entered into this, with him, many hundreds of times in an abundance of ways. Not just through the visual art forms.....