This (see link above) is an example of a True Leela, as described by Adi Da Love Ananda, in relationship to the uniqueness of his gifts of Treasures, Blessings, Teachings and Transcendental Spiritual Transmission.
Why? There is a clear communication of a profound and necessary lesson learned, that is specifically unique to Bright Reality Process.
True radical "turning" synchronously (not methodically, magically or mythically) requires radical self understanding and the lesson of life to be fully learned and incarnated as spontaneous surrender, "grown" into moment to moment as no seeking, becoming recognition responsive, devotional surrender.
Into and receptive of, established IN, the Bright Divine Source Condition and Nature. Direct. No other. All inclusive. No differentiation.
Conscious Radiance Itself.
Now, this is most essential for a True Culture of ego-self (not an entity but an activity) transcending yoga to be a mechanism of Bright service. In this True Culture, new action of responsibility and accountability is agreed upon in relationship to devotional intimates and the collective gathering (community) that holds one accountable (necessarily in relationship) for the lessons learned. New, unique to each, egoless, creative action*
Read this early communication from Bright Adi Da
And this:
And this:
*Listen to Adi Da's detailed description of Reality Process, and the esoteric foundation of Student Beginner practice that cannot be bypassed.
"The Grace of Turning to Me", disc two.
This non negotiable cultural foundation, as a collective (rightly, formally, established or otherwise) does not yet exist within Adidam and it is essential to note that this True Culture also does not yet exist specifically for the sole governing authority, Quandra Sukhapur.
The present time gathering is denying (through wrong relationship and misuse) both Quandra Sukhapur and Ruchiradama Nadikanta the necessary ground of devotional intimacy required, as student beginners**.
This intimacy, if it existed, would provide for the testing and proving and the demonstration of their having learned the (most fundamental and unique to each) lessons required and the True Culture would hold them accountable for new counter egoic action. Because this negligence is being allowed and enabled all the Sacred Treasures are being wrongly related to by the formalized gathering calling itself "Adidam".
Thus True Bright Leela is not being cultivated, lived, served, perpetuated and made available as a True Bright Culture.....yet.
**Adi Da's 2008 summary evaluation of both of these women's "heroic" practice and service was that they are still student beginners, at the time of his Mahasamadhi.