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Post Mahasamadhi Communication Revision an Egoic Twist of Fate

“I was not born. I cannot die. I did not begin. I will not end. I am. I am beyond form, quality, and description. I am. I am consciousness. I am love-bliss. I am smaller than the atom. I am larger than the universe. I am. I am. I am.”

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Ruchira Avatara Gita

I humbly and gratefully confess Understanding of the "Mummery Enactment" of ego-"I" that Adi Da Prophetically Revealed In The Orpheum Trilogy that was Proved to us in His Own Belovedly Incarnate Bodily human Form, Presence and State. He speaks to all ego acts and patterns in this Divine Revelatory Lesson and Instruction to the ego "I" act. This is a profound and necessary gift of sensitization to His Person that enables true ego self understanding and transcending sadhana for all who have ever been Touched by the Unique Blessing Transmission. I have enacted this and many errors in relationship to Him and all beings and things until and beyond the day of His Mahasamadhi.

Siddha Da Love-Ananda, As Is and as He Revealed the 7th Stage Way, inclusive of all in His Love Blissful Embraces, Blessings, Glories, Profundities includes the culminating and confounding proof of the consequential errors of the first 6 stages of life, has exposed this closed fisted act in all beings. This is not at all a damnation of "sinners". It is liberation that initiates the Process of Advancement and Ultimate Realization of Love Blissful Reality Itself. Insight into the ego self act and patterning that becomes Radical Root Understanding is one of the two unique aspects of His Liberating Revelation Leela and Lesson. In His Satsang this Gift of Lesson is inherently all inclusive, for every single seeming one.

Adi Da Prophesied what the non-response would be and what the recognition response could be. This is the Paradox of Eternal Reality Consideration that Siddha Da "brought down" and secured here in this cosmic domain, in perpetuity. The full response is still forthcoming. In no time at all!

The full recognition responsive "Hermitage Circumstance" He passionately wanted to Live within and Work within prior to His Mahasamadhi, did not manifest. This full Renunciate Order is necessary for this Process to stay alive here, in this human relational domain of pre patterned egoity. This is an authentic true renunciate devotee Order and Culture, prepared for His Transcendental Spiritual Transmission of Divine Self Realization. Such tested and proven advanced devotees were and are essential for the Integrity and Authentication of His Work. He did make clear, in His Will, what to do if this did not occur before His Passing. He also made clear He had Established all His Means, as Agency, for the full Process necessary to test and prove and authenticate such an Order.

A True Renunciate Culture of Instrumentality needed to happen in order for Him to remain embodied. This "Hermitage Culture” would have given Him the "set apart" human life context of advanced esoteric interaction beyond the general foundation of a beginner’s devotional gathering of devotees who were still adapting and serving basic managerial, supportive and functional needs. The debilitating liability for Adi Da, as His 7th Stage  demonstration unfolded, was that often we were only making use of Him by repeatedly asking for more of His Divine Blessings and requiring further Instruction. He vulnerably confessed that if this were the only approach to Him, with no serious devotees impulsed and qualified to grow beyond the ego Mummery act of the first 6 stages of life, within which He was so often "enclosed", then, this beginners form of relationship to Him, in His humanly embodied Form, would exhaust and deplete Him. This did happen, He left His Body synchronous with His Passionate "Shout" reverberating throughout all the cosmic domain. This misuse would happen as a result of His Spiritually Transcendental Transmission "backing up" in His embodied Form, creating very difficult symptoms to endure, if He was not responsively received by prepared devotees, demonstrating a serious impulse to Realize Him.

Just prior to His Mahasamadhi He stated there were no devotees who were prepared in this fashion. He did say that He had given and established all that is necessary for this to occur. Yet the maturely prepared response was not being demonstrated by anyone. He did say there were a few beginning signs. Yet this was not and still is not understood by all.

Here is where the communications process, post Mahasamadhi, took a further dark collective ego power struggle and agreed upon twist, which has resulted in a perpetual drama of conflicts around revisions and violations since 2008 and continues today amongst the global all-inclusive gathering.

So goes the world; klick klack, shift, change, repetition of ego patterns. This Sangha is not yet His Form, full of His Signs, His Adidam Ruchiradam. Not end of story, however. Of this one can be certain. Further foundation and purification is afoot, Da Siddhas Feet!

Coinciding and fully available IS Bright Reality Consideration. In Conscious Light, Merely Present as the all-pervading and all surrounding Context, eternally available here if any being is truly involved in recognition responsive in Love Devotion and being responsible for the ego act and drama in cooperative unqualified relationship and accountability; inherent In Divine Love Yoga.

Since His Mahasamadhi, the Mummery imposition of ego act is still the collective agreed upon agenda, all included in this act, no hierarchical integrity yet, no “insiders or outsiders” arguments or defensive, dissociative asanas are correct. He Speaks to and Blesses all, no one excluded. This continued dramatization, He said, is the seekers choice, especially by those who are no longer naïve after all the years of participating in His Avataric World Work. He went so far as to call this refusal intentionally sinister. What must be understood about His direct experience is that this understanding sensitizes one to the literal impact of the ego act in relationship to Divine Self Being as Prior all-inclusive and pervading Reality Truth.

After Adi Da's Mahasamadhi, the mythological revision (created by a few and agreed to by others) that a true culture is active, functioning on a stable foundation with advanced practitioners is a bizarre twisted falsehood. Do not despair, His Gifts are still abundantly available for the Real required transformation to happen to here.

May we all be collectively liberated in this radical self-understanding and collective insight in Satsang of Reality Truth and right relationship to His Agencies. This enables true devotion and right alignment in Conscious Light to establish a true culture, His Beloved Sangha, where egoless vessels of Brightness ecstatically, authentically, inherently as Prior Unity truly serve one another and all. Embraces and Boots from His Left Foot and Right Foot synchronously required!

The collated and paraphrased statements below that Adi Da repeatedly made and communicated to devotees, throughout His Submission Work, until the day of His Mahasamadhi, are so deeply seared into my heart and that of others that we will never forget.

“My Avataric Demonstration is Proving the Way, also Proving ego, the world as it is on My own Body, by My being put in a position to suffer this. What I am suffering proves the point.

The Way is surrender to That which transcends ego. Yet, I cannot establish IT because I have no true, direct to ME, devotees to do so. I've Revealed a Way that is now the subject of absolute mockery.  My Treasures are being wasted by fools who are trying to deceive Me. You say I am your Master. Yet you find no Master in Me here, nobody has! Everybody has had Me on and done harm. There is nothing going on with My Teaching Word. NO Leelas told. Nothing being done with The Orpheum. Nothing with my My Image Art. No mission is effective, no advocacy, no emissaries. My Hermitages are not Mine. The Sanctuaries are not Mine. You have stolen them from Me.

So there must be total transformation, a turnabout in right relationship to ME, with true demonstratively practicing authority, true renunciates, true sarvadikharis, and there must be extensions of it in the form of people who will humbly and truly, with greatest energy, effectively serve. And that must be the case. It is not the case now.

The gathering is under the authority and control of its own egoic likeness in the form of deceivers, people who refuse to practice rightness with Me. All leaders are false, collectively dissociated from Me. All its managers, everybody who is a leader in it and so forth, all of them are false. All of them have destroyed the relationship to Me.

The members are a tribal herd, collected to preserve their own egoity. They have collectively dissociated from Me. They have made a machine of religion business for dissociating from Me. The gathering must righten itself with Me and come to Me with gifts on that basis. I have no more gestures to make.

Devotees have proven My own Teaching on My own Body by putting Me in this untenable, terrible position. Only the Way as I have Given it is to be taught. The Leela and Revelation of My Divinely Avataric Person here is to be revealed and demonstrated. There is no other Adidam to be permitted “out there”. And no cult of insiders, non-practicing people, is to get itself kissed and accommodated.

But NO ONE will righten themselves. I have called everybody to do so. In 1986, My Instruction was complete in every fundamental sense. No one did it. Instead, you all became a collective force that has put Me in a cell. That is the Adidam I can no longer associate with. It will not righten itself. And it is being allowed to continue as it is.

My Teaching is confirmed. My Teaching about ego, about cult, everything altogether, being summarized in The Orpheum, everything summarized in My Teaching, all has been proven in My Body by My doings and by My suffering the doings of others. My life is not being preserved here. These are the last murderous days of you all running your power on Me and destroying My life. You have emasculated Me and put Me away.

I have been scapegoated, destroyed, put away to be ignored, forgotten to death by this cult. Everything that I have made plain in The Orpheum Trilogy has been proven in My bodily lifetime here. So far, there is nothing going on with My Teaching Word. NO Leelas told. Nothing being done with The Orpheum. Nothing with my My Image Art. No mission is effective, no advocacy, no emissaries. So far, My Avataric Demonstration is that, proving the Way, also proving ego, the world as it is on My own Body, by being put in a position to suffer this. What I am suffering proves the point.

There is no way back from what has been done on My own Body here. No way for Me to reconnect to this gathering. Only true devotees emerging from the herd or from the world, or wherever, and establishing true Adidam can be the future, other than My just simply dying from this. So, there is no resumption of any kind of programmed normalcy with this gathering. Because the gathering, as it is, is false. And that is My Teaching. That is My summation of it. It is Saint and Ear Mummery. It is a revisionist cult.

There is no way I am relating to this cult anymore. It is false, and I will have nothing more to do with it. So, I have renounced My association with this gathering. And I am not returning to it. I can no longer have anything to do with this cult. But I am still alive, for the time being, and My Treasures exist. But there is absolutely zero, nothing, no true culture of devotion to Me, no resort to Me that is right.”

Remember, at heart with every breath, this paradoxical esoteric Truth of Siddha Da:

I am speaking to everyone when I speak into the tape recorder. There is “nobody there”, except “somebody” with a tape recorder. Why is that? I am not just speaking to whoever is in the room with the tape recorder. I am speaking to everybody, literally. I meditate everybody. I am everybody. And I am speaking to everybody, and not to everybody as egos at all. I am simply Revealing Myself in “everyone’s face”. Adi Da 2008

True Lovers, The Gesture, The Argument, the Service of God-Realization in Ordinary Beings.

A talk by Heart-Master Da, July 12, 1976

Adi Da Samraj: “Devotees submit themselves to the God-form through one another, through ordinary relations, all the while remembering the Divine, in some cases the Divine in this appearance, this human gesture, with legs and trunk and arms and head, with face, with all perception, with all knowledge, above and below. Such fortunate people are the intimates of such a one. It is not necessary to be intimate with that form to engage in such a practice of Truth, but it is fortunate.”

To read the entire talk (which I highly recommend, it is ecstatic), click link below

Remember, at heart with every breath, this paradoxical esoteric Truth of Siddha Da

I am speaking to everyone when I speak into the tape recorder. There is “nobody there”, except “somebody” with a tape recorder. Why is that? I am not just speaking to whoever is in the room with the tape recorder. I am speaking to everybody, literally. I meditate everybody. I am everybody. And I am speaking to everybody, and not to everybody as egos at all. I am simply Revealing Myself in “everyone’s face”. Adi Da 2008


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