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The Role of the Guru with Julie Anderson

See link below, a conversation between Julie and New Thinking Allowed (Jeff Mishlove and Emmy Vadnais) in the context of a live stream event held on 15 September 2024

There is some preamble, the actual event starts 11minutes 30seconds into the video

Thank you for showing up, all who made this event happen.

At 20minutes 54seconds into the video (after my acknowledgment of, magnifying invocation of Heart Source Being as love and breath being Lived, installation and invitation into Divine Bright Room, within which we all exist, that is Light and Love; the Source Condition living and breathing all beings and things, the true Guru): the question about scandals was the first response.

What does this reflect about all of us together, "equally present, in the room"?

What, where room/space/thought feeling experience did individual-collective energy and attention move to.... automatically and why? 

I and no one can or could turn the force of this tide alone. No Guru can either. This has been proven. 

How and where was the tide turning True Love energy of Being active and noticeably contagious and inspiring? The "lowest common denominator" (persistent group tending focal point) of our collective psyche took hold. I notice this without valuation of what should not be said or asked.  I am not pointing fingers here in any direction or at any specific person, question or response that is/has happened before, during or after this Live Event.

We all collectively created this Live Event. The world is so created collectively, no "God" creator exists except as and in mind. The responsibility of right, compassionate useful and auspicious relationship rests with each and all interactively. 

Did we and do we all together demonstrate True Divine Love, truth and cooperation and tolerance and compassion in human terms, present, actively intent to be thus resolved and heart rested as One Heart Being, with new understanding, insight and agreed upon NEW actions? In service to humanity, no matter what role or function is being given and played?

Consider this very ordinary and most profound Reality we find ourselves in together seeming for a very brief time, inter-dependently so, As One Hearted Being

In the room of mind "i-you-we" are all "right and wrong", simultaneously (!) but where and how is True Divine Love Being manifest collectively and effectively of service to the great ego active tide numbers?

Certainly not elsewhere in some exalted state, realm or experience.

Elsewhere is only of ego mind too. The necessary transformation needs to be so here and now, all inclusive, in recognition of True Divine Light and Love that lives and breathes us. Giving Life, yes, yet, "i-you-we" create this Event, moment to moment,  collectively.

What we view, do and be is what we are and get.....


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