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What’s the Problem?

There are many aspects of this "Opinioned Essay by Beezone" (see link above) that need to be expounded upon and clarified in more truth light (with past and present time evidence) detail.

Much of what is communicated here is true enough to be stated. There are both relative (conditional) and most profound (absolute) human psycho physical nuances and inherent transcendental spiritual laws that are no longer being enabled and brought into the heat of root tapas that relate to these significant issues and disputes.

The refusal to acknowledge and engage the handling of this unhandled business is the primary "problem".

Why? This is the dramatization of the "avoidance of relationship", enforced by a hierarchically false authority and priesthood and a collective not impassioned to require the essential growth.   Thus radical root devotion in recognition is not able to function as  the stabilizing/clarifying  force of maturing in the ordeal of Bright tapas and Awakening that is required.

While Quandra Sukhapur states the need and intention to undermine revisionism, she has in fact, in action and choice, singled herself out, isolated herself (proclaiming advanced Perfect Practice) and created a revised and conditionally limited pattern that she also assumes and announces as being "His Pattern".

The pattern she has created is comprised of making overly much of secondary, supportive and beginning modes of adaptation that in effect undermine the unique human and esoteric  necessities for true developmental growth and outgrowing that must be based in true recognition, radical root devotion, right life and understanding. 

The four groups of response (The Form, Personal Practice, Access and Bullshit) to these glaring faults are not as clearly delineated as Beezone proposes in the Opinioned Essay.

It is true that the largest number of responsive beings are uninformed and not educated enough to draw lawful conclusions. Nor do they care enough to engage the real process of transformation required because they are happy to embrace the rules of order as a beginners culture, indefinitely. 

Ego politics around Adi Da always played a role in keeping most serious aspirants at bay. As a result, a few, self chosen individuals remained, surrounding him and securing positions of service and access. 

This was Adi Da's summary conclusion. He was not given a right circumstance of tested and proven matured devotees who could form a true order to keep his given process/pattern effectively and lawfully alive. Instead he is scapegoated.

Ed Reither (Beezone) has spent many years (as many have likewise) in direct investigatory dialog with all the "factions" that are in conflict with one another.

See below the summary statement (published in the Opinioned Essay) Adi Da made to the world wide gathering in 2005 about the fact that there were no devotees being acknowledged as  practitioners practicing in a fully matured and responsible manner to be acknowledged as "true and free renunciates".

“Everything necessary for beginners has been provided by Me. You must make the culture and the organization out of it, and the mission and everything altogether. The Treasures must be preserved.

There is no Ruchira Sannyasin Order apart from My Person. Sukhamai and Nadikanta are associated with the Ruchira Sannyasin Order, but not because they are demonstrating the Perfect Practice of this Way.

They simply maintain a kind of office of responsibility associated with various matters that must be under the cultural governance of the Ruchira Sannyasin Order. They are not even in dialogue with Me at the present time. I don’t meet with them now. I have no intention of doing so. It was just done enough to the point where it was an unbearable abuse of Me to continue with it.

There is nothing to discuss with Me about any organizational matter and so forth. I’ve Communicated everything. Why should I be talking about business? It is a terrible imposition and gross misuse of Me. It is intolerable to Me to submit to a kind of consumer religious ceremonialism on My Body. It is unconscious and foolish. It’s not right access to Me. It serves no purpose whatsoever. I have no requirement or interest relative to social relations with people. It has nothing to do with Me.

I don’t meet with the Ruchira Sannyasin Order representatives. They have been Instructed. I have Communicated what is necessary that covers everything about culture and organization. I did that because I was submitted, and submitted to that degree, and did it to the last utterance that I could possibly oblige Myself to make about all of that. And I simply cannot and will not do it anymore.”

He also then indicated there was likewise no order or culture that was able to ensure the integrity of the office of governing authority (associated with his Person as Process and Pattern). He also described in his actions, gifts,  word and legal will, what had to be effectively functioning, with personal and collective signs in evidence. 

The fact that his word has been ignored (with an attempt to hide his summary spoken words he repeatedly made very clear from 2005 until his passing in 2008) about the lack of maturity required to authenticate "the right process and pattern" is key in understanding "the dispute and divisiveness".

He addressed this act of dispute and divisiveness from the very beginning of his function as teacher and guru in the late 60's and early 70's. Notes about this, in clear detail, exist from communications he also gave saying the same thing in 2008.

These words and recordings are being hidden and some personal addresses to specific devotees ( key to Quandra Sukhapur and her dramatizations on him and the gathering) have been destroyed.

The ego is fierce to hold it's separative and independent stand rather than yield to the True help and right action therein.

Those Quandra Sukhapur handpicked to follow her governance know this to be true, yet remain silent about these violations.

Ruchiradama Nadikanta is also very clear about these errors.

The environment of the official present time "Adidam" is full of festering unhandled business that can only be resolved in a right, open hearted, transparent and true relationship to one another and all beings. These new actions are not being enabled or allowed within the revised pattern Quandra Sukhapur and all devotees (to varying degrees) continue to choose and enforce. 

This is remarkably tragic. Why? "Adidam" is failing by ego self implosion and wrong use of Adi Da's gifts.

Quandra Sukhapur and Ruchiradama Nadikanta are very dear to my heart and important for Adi Da Love Ananda As Bright Process and Mandalic "Pattern" and are they are not being related to in a most auspicious way and right terms. 

What is more important and urgent? To keep face and roles and structures intact for a few or allow Reality Truth Process and Awakening Itself that includes the "All and all" he seeded and touched?

All of these many thousands "he seeded and touched" can be helpful participants (if allowed and encouraged to participate) in the transformation of rightening that is urgent and eternal, moment to moment.

I am aware that many people would like me to cease to harp on about these matter.

I understand why my doing so is annoying and for some painful to hear about.

This is also tapas for me to do so. Yet I cannot let it go without there being the signs that these profoundly important matters in relationship to Adi Da and his gifts and devotees and would be devotees have been rightly related to and auspiciously resolved.

Adi Da Samraj:

The time may come when humankind actually steps off the earth and goes elsewhere. They are not to carry Me with them as a kind of earth provincial Master Avatar, so identified with humankind that I cannot be recognized elsewhere. I am recognizable everywhere. I transcend all traditions, wherever they may occur.

My Divine Avataric Appearance here is not only for the totality of the earth domain; it is for the totality of the cosmic domain. I should never be provincialized, never owned, never assimilated or subordinated anywhere. All have to reach outside their own identity, both personal and collective, to recognize Me and be turned to Me. That is an understanding or a message that must be brought all over the earth. But it must be brought where anyone goes. It is always the same. I am recognizable by all. By recognizing Me, everyone transcends their previous associations.

Transcend the individual "I" pattern and the collective ego-"I" pattern

All they've got to do is transcend it in recognizing Me, the individual "I" pattern and the collective ego-"I" pattern. Everybody is looking for someone to come here, looking for them to be born in their own village. And it doesn't make any difference what village you were born in, I was Born "somewhere else".


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